Kavar Cohort Study

Cohort facts:

Location of cohort: Kavar – Fars Province

Main Ethnicities of participants: Fars, Turk

Conducted by: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences


  • Alireza Safarpour, MD

Study Execution:

The PERSIAN Cohort Study started in Kavar in October 2017, and enrollment ended in February 2019.

Current Activity: Kavar Cohort Study is currently performing annual follow-ups for the entire cohort population and also conducting a repeated measurement phase for 30% of the enrolled participants who have been selected randomly.

Principal Investigator: Mohammad Reza Fattahi, MD

Overview of Cohort Population

Final Enrolled Sample Size
4,997 individuals
Gender Distribution
48% Male
52% Female
Age Distribution

40% ----35-44 years
35%----45-54 years
20%----55-64 years

Residence Type
100% Urban
0% Rural

Contact information

Email: safarpourar@gmail.com